
We are constantly working to optimise our logistical flows, taking a closer look at how products are turned around, trying to reduce waste and to raise the awareness of all our employees, collaborators, customers and partners on sustainability issues.


Ours is a team effort, the dock operators are careful to optimise the loads on the vehicles while the traffic department optimises the routes, favouring full truck loads, truck sharing and proposing intermodal transport to customers. Due Torri will expand its transport offer with dedicated electric vehicles for city centre deliveries.



In the main Due Torri warehouses (22,000 m2) photovoltaic systems are installed to produce renewable energy, while low-impact LED lights have been installed in all the warehouses.

With a view to optimisation, automation is used in the warehouse processes on end-of-line tools for closing packages, taping, strapping, filming.

For warehouse logistics operations, only electric handling equipment is used and we are introducing equipment with Fronius batteries; environmentally friendly packaging and filling material are also used.

We carefully control the management of special waste, which is handled with specialised suppliers, and there is a maximum reduction in the use of paper in favour of the use of software and technologies such as radio frequency, and the migration of all archives from physical to digital will soon be completed.



We save, reuse and recycle. Separate waste collection is carried out in all Due Torri offices and warehouses, and to further reduce the use of plastic, water dispensers and filters connected to the water mains have been installed, and all employees have been provided with reusable water bottles. The marketing department is also making sustainable choices, preferring eco-friendly company gadgets: pens and blocnotes made of recycled and biodegradable material, eco-friendly water bottles.

Welcome to Due Torri’s forest!

Why a forest? Because planting trees means making life bloom! Trees absorb CO2, emit oxygen, promote biodiversity and are also good for the farmers working on the Treedom project all over the Planet.

The Due Torri’s Forest is a symbol of our commitment to protect and preserve Planet Earth. This is just the beginning of a long journey, in the coming years we will make our green lung grow bigger and bigger!

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